A Fine Line to Balance, Being Awake

What we are focused upon, we are thinking about,
and our thoughts create how we feel in each and every moment. How we feel is expressed in a frequency that is very real in its impact on others and the world. It is felt in the tone of our voice, in our written words, and especially in how we choose to act or React to life.
This is how we actively create our reality.
To add an additional layer of understanding the source of the frequencies we resonate out, they can also be from feelings we are experiencing sub-consciously, not just the conscious thoughts we are focused on and feeling. This is the simplest of truths that most do not really put into practical moment to moment application. How can we? So much is thrown at us every day! Its hard to stop yourself and breathe to allow awareness to return to the potent impact of our thoughts and feelings. This blog posts intent is to put into our awareness the reasons why we need to really apply ours...