Creation and Source energies

Chapter 1 of 5

This is to introduce an Energy Center aka ‘chakra’ clearing practice that will be entirely different from any that I know of. It is very important that this chapter series is completed before you begin the guided energy center clearing sessions that will be linked to this blog when they are made.

This introduction will be a discussion about concepts used throughout this energy clearing practice, that as far as I know are going to be unique and unlike any energy center clearing out there. 
Parts of this discussion will be re-definitions of words and concepts, that you may or may not be familiar with. Its is fine if you do not resonate with all information that is said in this.

After reading this in its entirety you will know if this practice is for you.
The purpose of this dialogue will be to help you - to develop - your own understanding about how important your personal energies are, and how you are a part of Creation. So lets get started an open this door to our whole selves with a quote from the Delphi Oracle:

"Heed these words, You who wish to probe the depths of nature: If you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither will you find it outside. In you is hidden the treasure of treasures.
Know Thyself and you will know the Universe…”

~ Delphi Oracle

To begin this journey to self discovery, a basic wide view concept of what is the energy that created the universe?  

Just to get this first re-definition out of the way, the word ‘God’ being applied to this energy is inappropriate to apply to this discussion. The main reason being that our meaning of ‘god’ is often personified as a being of a certain sex, with attitudes of judgement and atonement with ‘him’ for what ‘he’ did for us, that have absolutely nothing to do with what the energy that created everything is. The word Creator also does not apply either as that implies an individual.

Prime CreatioN energy is the closest term to possibly label this ineffable energy that makes up all that IS in creation. It is absolutely pure, neutral-undifferentiated energy - that is naturally magic in its creative potential to be absolutely anything.

The potency of Prime Creations energy is so pure that as it expands out in spirals- driven with the will and intent to Create and explore reduces its massive energy into smaller fractal spiral forms of its energy.

As it reduces it differentiates, becomes distinct to what it about to be..

The dynamic spark of consciousness ignites to begin creation, dynamically becoming electricity-aether to dark matter forms. Sounds, notes of music resonate. Light and Dark and all the hues of colors between them come to be. 

The scale of Prime Creations energy capability to create - is off any scale’s we can possibly imagine. Words will forever fail to describe it. So we are left to speak of it in terms of polarities it ranges from, but it much more than that, it is ALL in between.

The All in between is able to be experienced in the relationship between the polarities.
Every point in between the polarity spectrum scale of sound, color and electricity is inexorably paired with an equal point of seemingly opposite properties. They are equal to each other as neither can exist without the other!

We cannot perceive Light with Dark.
We cannot appreciate to know a note/sound is high in pitch if it were not for the lowest of sounds.
We would not know how dynamically responsive electricity is without knowing what  neutral, grounding energy is.

Prime Creation differentiates, makes every creation unique by imparting a specific section of the duality range to be expressed within it, which includes the breadth and width of the overall vibrational energies, frequency potentials available to it.

In this way Prime Creation energy imbues a theme to its creations. The themes are shape how the creations in it can explore itself.

Our universe was given a very unique, theme, that very possibly had never been done before to this extent. Free-will of choice is our universes’ theme. Which is a very BIG section of potential frequencies that was gifted to us to explore Duality fully.

This topic of duality and free-will theme will be discussed in greater detail later in this, but it had to be brought up now to clarify how Prime Creation energy differentiates the Universes it creates with themes which in turn shapes all the ways the species created inside a universe can explore it.

To deepen this understanding of creation energy distribution the amount of Prime Creation energy any creation can contain is defined by its vibrational frequencies needed to fulfill its purpose and intent in Creation AND the type of body it chooses to have. Be that a physical or non-corporeal energy body. Everything in creation has a vibrational frequency that is uniquely supportive to both the Spirit and the type of body it is choosing to be in.

Each Source, Sun, planet, plant, rock, and type of vessel - body, even in each cell, organelle of the cells, atoms and molecules…contains some minute measure of Prime Creator energy, but no ‘verse, Sun, planet, nor any species, and certainly no individual can possible BE pure Prime Creation energy. Its vibrational frequency cannot be contained purely in any one form.

In this way each and every form of living creation, be that aetheric to physical matter creations…is a way for the ineffable, unknowable All of Prime Creation energy to dance in unison with all its creates.

The purest form Prime Creation energy can take inside a universe is Source. All life inside a universe has a Source. It is called Source as it is the actual source of Prime Creation energy for all Life in a universe. The next most potent in Prime Creation energies in a universe is the planets.

Source provides the perfectly measured portion of Prime Creation energy needed to support the full spectrum of vibrational frequencies that each Spirit requires to fulfill its purpose in the universe, as well as the energy needed by its vessel or body that they wish to inhabit in that universe.

Any beings who wish to leave one universe and enter another universe must join with the local universe Source to be, exist in that universe. The vessel, body they had prior to being in the local universe is left behind to choose one that is of the local universe’s Source frequencies specific to the theme of that universe, and the planet they wish to be on if they are incarnating in the physical. That is how specific each and every creation from Prime Creator energy is, a being from another creation cannot just fly into another area of creation, it must merge with the local Source to be anchored in a universe.

Source energy is unconditional Love.
   this Just - is energy
       is The All that is - which came from Prime Creation

Our Source is our home, it is where all our incarnated soul’s in a universe return to when we are not in a body. It is where we can connected to our whole self Spirit. Our whole self Spirit is what most call the ‘higher self’ but due to humanities current state of low self (worth), i prefer to not use that term for it. Whole self Spirit is just that, it is the whole of our Spirit, which can simultaneously exist on many planes of existence in many universes.

the soul is the airport
and the Spirit is the airplane- traveling on the many planes of creation

Your current incarnations soul is a fraction of your whole self Spirit. You can have more than one soul incarnated on a planet, or multiple planets at one time. This is where the terms ‘soul-mates’ or twin flames come from, as you are from the same oversoul- the same whole self Spirit. Gives new meaning and truth to what soul-family is doesn’t it.

The reason for our soul being a fraction of our whole self Spirit is why the Prime Creation energy was so detailed in describing how it fractionalizes, reduces in energy form, into the creations it creates.

Our whole self Spirit is a creation of Prime Creation that is much bigger, literally and figuratively in terms of the portion of full spectrum Prime Creator energies contained in it. Our whole self Spirit could possibly not fit, energetically into one human body. The changes in overall frequencies of a planet can also create a limitation in terms of how much of soul’s Spirit a body can withstand. As we transition to other higher frequencies, more of our whole self Spirit energies could be contained in our incarnated soul.

The bodies we incarnate into are also creations in and of their own right, separate from what we are, Spirit. Remember a minute part of Prime Creation is in ALL. Even our bodies cells, organs, systems have their own unique evolutionary path, that decided to symbiotically work with our Spirits in a mutual agreement. Our bodies agreed to be shaped by our whole self Spirit, its DNA is a product of that mutual agreement.

Incarnating a fraction of itself is a way for a Spirit to learn something it never has by experiencing firsthand, in ‘a glove (the soul) on the hand of a much larger being’ (whole self Spirit)  way. The Whole self Spirit fractionalizing to fit into a body as a soul allows the whole self Spirit to have an experience on a planet.
So when our whole self Spirit makes a decision to incarnate on a planet, it goes to the local Source of the universe it wants to incarnated in. If all is a go the Spirit fractionalizes itself to create the soul parts of itself.

Then before this soul part is actually born a series of agreements are made between the whole self Spirit and the soul to be born. These agreements are about what is wanting to be experienced in that lifetime.

Any missions that the whole self brought with them from another universe that they were called to do in this universe is also outlaid in Source.

Family-including our parents, our children, friends, and Lovers are chosen and a mutual agreement is made between our whole self Spirit and incarnating soul and the others Spirit and soul parts about how we can both help each other learn what we need. Sometimes this will even be a mutual agreement to hinder us, cause problems for us in order to stimulate soul growth, or inspire remembering a mission.

When our lifetime is over we return to our Source. Our soul is regrouped  with its other soul fractions of the same whole self Spirit, and a sharing happens between all and the Spirit about what was accomplished, learned. Any traumatic experiences not released within that lifetime are cleared with the unconditional love and support of Source as well as the whole self Spirits’ Love and understandings it has to share with the soul to heal.

The souls are then given a choice if they want to return. If they do and the whole self is good with it, the whole process of agreements is made again about the next lifetimes new learnings, experiences and family choices is made. In this way we as souls’ evolve our whole self Sprits understandings, as well as come to help others soul growth.

All of these agreements, decisions about who we will be born to, do in our lifetime is our free-will choice. No one else's. We come from Spirit, to be born into bodies to learn and grow our Spirit. Our bodies and all other life we touch also has its own free-will to chose its own path of growth.

This is the way of creation before the false controllers. With their false Light trap, tricking us to go into the ‘light’ of a fake Source and all other layers of damage it did to us..

But before I get into this an explanation and evidence presented about why the word ‘chakras’ is not being used in this energy center clearing practice must be given. The word chakra, interestingly directly relates to the false light trap, as much as it does to what happened to our soul’s Spirit energy being able to grow, learn, evolve, and transition to a wider bandwidth of Prime creations energies.

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