How Duality relates to our exploration of Free-Will

Chapter 3 of 5

How Duality relates to our exploration of Free-Will:

This chapter is a revisit of the free-will of choice creation theme that was mentioned in the first chapter. This topic is very important to come to your own understanding of as its a big part of our missing perception, rememberings we re-set to in Source to do with why we incarnate in a physical body.

Free-will of choice is the theme of this universes’ creation.  This means that the full spectrum range between the duality’s, the range of notes, vibrational frequencies, colors - Light and Dark and electrical frequencies that is available to be chosen from and explored as a way of being is quite varied, to say the least. 

For example all life within this theme of creation can choose to be dark whom are actually light in Spirit origin, and the other way around. We have full choice as to what and how we want grow our understandings within this theme. We do this by choosing our experiences from whatever part of the full spectrum of energies available. Other areas of creation do not have this opportunity, they are limited by being and acting from Prime Creation energies choices of ways to be.

The free will theme of this universe is to use the experience of the polarities, duality as a tool to come to really know the potency of our choices. To know that we can consciously choose any point on the scale of duality to study it, become it for a time, discover the mysteries of it and its opposite pair point, then move onto a different point.

Eventually we will have experienced all that there is within the range of dualities and we choose to balance, find the middle way. This gift of such a thorough capability to learn and adapt by expressing our free-will of choice is actually quite amazing, yet also it has been taken advantage of.

Our being aware that we have free-will of choice has become compromised by how we have reacted to what has happened to us.
The archons, shadow beings, our being blocked from going to Source between lifetimes created a propensity in us to get stuck at various energetic duality aspects. Like a metronome swinging to create the pentameter of a song being stopped and held at one side, the tension of it being held when it wants to swing free causes imbalance. Our soul growth has been held back from trusting its free swing to explore life in the theme of free will of choice.

We always did have the responsibility of working on ourselves to maintain our own soul growth goals in the theme of the creation we chose to come into. But it was made a lot worse by the false controllers. This does not mean that we still cannot overcome these challenges. Remember all the mechanisms of control they had to throw at us to get us here. Know that most are illusions that en-tranced us to believe their ways.

We did take on their ways of division, polarity. We judge ourselves by the false controllers measures, we let our thoughts overrun us so much that we do not hear our Spirits voice trying to remind us that this is not all we are or what we were meant to be stuck at.  

The duality of the sexes differences, the color of our skin, the country we live in, how much money we make, the political party we ascribe to, the way we dress or behave have all become sticks by which we judge ourselves and each other.

The comparative mind is the root of all suffering, as the Buddhists say.
All polarizations of thought are the bars on the cage the false controllers got us to build. 
’the haves and the have nots’
‘the victim and the perpetrator’
 ‘the martyr and the savior’

Their use of us our being stuck at various duality aspects against us can be undone with breaking our trance state belief in their illusions we have made our own.

To release our metronome of soul growth we will be using the very poison the false controllers did to stall it to cure it. We will reclaim our balance by observing the ways in which we have been stuck in polarized thought, to leave the Thoth box of our personal matrix.

We will use the deep layers of polarized emotions to release the parts of us that have been frozen in a traumatic memory to reclaim the portion of our energies that have been trapped in it.

The duality extremes we have been stuck at can be used to rediscover the All of prime creations energies in between. To come to know the triality - the third point, the fulcrum point of balance- risen above - Neutral to all that has happened to us and yet fully conscious of our experiences gifts and lessons that experience gave us. 

This is what is meant by ‘the middle way’ that humanities original true teachers spoke of. This path is not to be found in a 15 minute youtube, or pages and pages of blogs, articles or books. The instant gratification of todays society is yet another layer of machinations created by the false controllers. To take advantage of the tension the stopped metronome of our soul growth feels like to us. To need to endlessly seek out, consume information, can lock us into another layer of the comparative mind, the ‘give me, or tell me what i want to hear to validate what I already know so I don’t have to do the real work of figuring it out myself’

We each need to find and open our own truths, distinct from anyone else’s- our own center point of balance between the duality points of our soul’s Spirits experiences

Our strengths of wanting to learn and grow are being taken advantage of. Our propensity to not want it to be hard allowed them to make this strength a weakness. *Even the perception of it being hard work can change once the realization is had that this is the only way to end the war in our minds. Thus end the false controllers hold over us.

The “love and Light” new age-ism would have us all think that the law of attraction edict, think, be only Light and positive things and all will be well..

This is a program to cause imbalance. So long as we deny the polar opposite of anything in us, or outside of us we will not come to know the relationship between the two and certainly not come to know the fulcrum point of balance between the two polar opposites.

Focusing only on positive will also not allow us to integrate back into ourselves the understandings of the traumatic experiences we have been through. Denial of our pain does not let us learn to avoid it, let alone face it to fully release it once and for all.

We have all done things to survive that it feels we would die to turn around an resolve them…but we must face them if we are to turn to evolving once again.

Deny the existence of either pole of the spectrum experience, Light or dark and you stay in the dark. You never find all the Light hiding in your shadows. You never find all gifts in your shadows. Both types of experiences exist in you in different measures, both are equally potent in their teachings to re-claim psychological, and spiritual balance.

This will make us stronger, more stable, and more able to adapt to whatever life challenges come at this time.

Saw a box once that belonged to the Gyuoto monks, it had a typed sign taped on the top that said:

empty, nothing contained

handwritten on it was misc. everything.

Both were true of the boxes’ contents. The monks were not attached to the contents, so ‘nothing was contained’ yet the miscellaneous (a wide spectrum of everything) contents were there, available in reality once removed, unveiled from being HIDDEN in the box.

The full spectrum of our energies exists, from our DNA reflecting our Spirits vibrational qualities to all we have been and experienced in this area of creation. Neither was removed, it was blocked, hidden from us, removed from our perception is all.

How many times have you  tried really hard to remember something you know you forgot then to have it occur to you at a time when you were not even trying?

Its our attachment to our traumas, our mental intellect Thoth box that block our full spectrum of natural magic to flow- unpack your box full of nothing to make available again, You everything again! 

There is something very powerful to be said of letting go..

Your Heart energy centre is the key to letting go, one would not think so, as our Hearts are where we associate our attachments, our Loves. But thats using your mind, thinking. 

‘if you really Love something set it free’, then what you Love can really Love you..

In your heart is the middle way, the neutral, unconditional perspective that sees both sides, understands eaches worth in perspective use and can rise above both dualites to anchor the third way to be.

The middle way of your Hearts inner verse, where your own song of creation played alongside all others Soul’s Spirit songs. This is where we can come to know ourselves better in all we come into contact with in life. These inner knowings about ourself are best accomplished if we respect and honor our own self learning as much as others own distinct path of self discovery they are on.

Mutual conscious respect and honor of our own soul’s growth and others own paths is the key to being on this world at this time. If you do not find a relationship to be mutually understanding of your path, and you feel you have met them where they are at, fully. Its only you who will grow by your understanding of the you they see. And you will have to make a choice about the amount of energy you will give this person.

Its a free will of choice to grow. It is not for us to judge or expect others to attain the middle way. Our example of striving to become balanced will always be there for them to notice, to inspire them to begin this path themselves. Perhaps attaining balance was not their whole self’s Spirit intention for them here, perhaps their choice was just to be here and experience imbalance. The point is we each can choose to be imbalanced by others or not. All ways are gift in learning about what free-will choice is truly about.

All the information I am presenting is meant to inspire your own path to self discovery. It was difficult to put all this information out in our lame limited word spell filled language, to make clear the connections I found that helped me get over what I have been through. This is my mission here, because I believe in Humanity. I know they deserve to heal and grow again.

It was even harder to express the things I have spoken of in a homogenized respectful, one size fits alls path to self discovery. Ordinarily this type of guidance is offered in a one on one type of situation with a shamanic healer, for a fee. Not all of us have the funds to enlist such help.

It is not my belief, anyways, that we need someone else to re-discover who we ourselves can know best. We are our own best healer. With the will intent to heal ourselves, we can learn to be self accountable and self observant enough to figure out exactly how we have been co-opted by the ways we have reacted to our experiences. We just need the inspiration of information and some tools explained for us to apply, in just the way we each know we need to accomplish our own inner work.

The tool for rising above the dualities and coming to establish your own point of balance, permanently is what I will be calling the ‘duality swing’ in the guided energy center clearings. A deeper explanation of how to do the duality swing to free you from the Thoth box of the personal matrix, will be in the final chapter of this, but first a introduction discussion of just what energy centers are, needs to be defined for your own confidence, your own inner knowing of what they are.

In each of your energy center clearings, you will have the opportunity to come to define your Spirit’s voice, where our intuition and wisdom from our whole self comes from.

You will be able to reconnect and re-establish your relationship to your whole self.  Your whole self Spirit has a greater of a measure of Prime Creation’s energies than the soul fraction of this you here, incarnated.
This is not meant to be a better than, more then comparison, remember your whole self Spirit could not incarnate on a planet, have the experience of being inside a theme of creation without the fractionalizing of itself that resulted in your soul here now.
This You here is very important to it, as much as your whole self is important to you! 

The guidance of our soul’s whole self Spirit with its fuller perspective and inner knowings it can impart to our soul here now is what the false controllers do not want us to have. This would end their ability to control you!

It could be said that the soul is the mind’s voice, as its what records the experiences of experiencing incarnation on earth at this time. Your Spirits voice comes from our Hearts.

And our heart energy centre is where our current incarnated soul’s whole self Spirit is connected to Source. Which is why the Heart virtues of Love, compassion, empathy and courage are so powerful for us.

the soul is the station we are tuned into
Our Hearts is where the song of our Sprits intention is heard.

It is the where the original spark of Prime Creations compassion, and intent for us to explore creation with the gifts of our free-will of choice come from.
Our Hearts with us reconnected to our whole self Spirit is where we can re-learn how our will and imagination can create true magic of being creators ourselves inside of creation. This is why our whole self Spirit fractionalized to be here. We can do what the false controllers can only do with technology.

They create by genetic manipulation. They put themselves in the way of Source to make us think they are our ‘gods’. They came here long ago with technology that was so amazing we thought it was magic.
They wanted to be gods to us, so they had to get us to forget that we can be creators naturally without technology!
Understand the implications of this. In reconnecting to, coming to know and trust your whole self Spirits voice that will always be in  alignment with and in full unconditional loving support of this you here you WILL be able to throw off any illusions, deceptions of technology or other manipulations of your energy.  

The key is coming out of our heads, the imbalanced Thoth box of thoughts that are not balanced with our whole self Spirits wisdom in our heart.

After the final 7th energy center clearing audio will be a separate audio series that are to establish a reconnection of all our then cleared energy centers to be anchored permanently to our Hearts.

The next chapter will go into the details of how our energy centers function for our full spectrum of Creations energy fractionalized into us here, and just what our shadow aspects are and how they relate to our energy centers.

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