Word Spells, False 'gods' and the Light traps
Chapter 2 of 5
We left off in the first chapter at what our real experiences of Source is about between our lifetimes. This was a refresher, so that the topics now to be discussed are fully understood in terms of the implications the ‘False Light traps’ had on our soul’s energy, and by virtue of our connection to our planet, its overall energy and vibrational frequency.
Before we get into this we need to get a few definitions clarified.
What is meant by a word spell?
Words are sounds, their vibrational energetic quality can be as tangible felt as the tone they are spoken with. There is many modalities like numerology, gemantria to name a few - that speak to the letters having a number that equates to vibrational intent it imparts on the word, which impacts the vibrational intent behind names for things. I will not be using numerology or gemantria to analyze these words, however, I just wanted to point out that there is deeper layers as to why words are spelled a certain way. Or just feel wrong. And are applied to stand for seemingly several different things, but are they really different?
the spelling of words and Magic spells..
By coming to your own understanding of each of these word spell intents as they are discussed, know that your own power of intention can override any malicious intent just by observing the words origin meaning. Or you can just decide to not use that word.
Latin is the word spell basis of many of our english and other global
languages words. Latin was created specifically to spell-bind us to the ones who wanted us to be controlled by the sounds we use to intonate, invoke - communicate with on a daily basis. Latin is the ‘bab-el’ of the Sumerian false ‘gods’, the Draco reptilians. A species that from here on in will be referred to as the false controllers.
So why is energy centers preferred over the word chakra? and how is it connected to the False Light traps?
The following is from the Chakra etymology section of Wikipedia:
“The word Chakra (चक्र) derives from the Sanskrit word meaning "wheel," as well as "circle" and “cycle".
One of the Hindu scriptures Rigveda mentions Chakra with the meaning of "wheel", with ara (spokes).
According to Frits Staal, Chakra has Indo-European roots, is "related to Greek Kuklos (from which comes English cycle),
IN LATIN (it means) CIRCUS, Anglo-Saxon hveohl and English wheel." However, the Vedic period texts use the same word as a simile in other contexts, such as the "wheel of time" or "wheel of dharma", such as in Rigveda hymn verse 1.164.11.” So, chakra means a wheel, with spokes - attachments to the Latin word for Circus.
We all know what the circus is, but do we connect that what a circus is to us now, and the fact that long before circus’s were a thing, it was a also a thousands of years old word for chakras?
Chakras, the latin word for Circus, an event that entertained us, en-trained us - to get our attention energy to consent to having our soul’s energy co-opted for the ringmasters use. Then in the Rigvega, which by the way is some of the most obvious accounts of invading ET species Nuclear war on Earth thousands of years ago, refers to chakra as meaning a ‘wheel of time’ or ‘wheel of dharma’. or Karma.
So now the additional word spell intent comes into focus, as the ‘wheel of time’ ringmaster appears, the time Lords with their ‘wheel of dharma’ or d-HARM-a and their ‘Lords of Karma’ doctrine.
These ‘lords’ are who maintained the wheel of forced reincarnation, of the ‘false light trap’ technology.
This technology projected an illusion, a distracting circus, that had nothing to do with our soul’s Spirit naturally, at the bodies death going to Source as was talked about in the first chapter.
There is no great big light that we go into at our bodies death, as so often described by persons who have had a near death experience. There is however, a inner knowing from our whole self Spirit that just knows where we go. Its a dark enveloping path lit only by our soul’s Spirit knowing that leads to our Source home, which maybe warmly bright like a sun only at the very end of the journey.
Very few were able to escape from it, unless, at the time of our physical death, we knew to follow our whole self Spirit’s call to home in Source, not be distracted and drawn into the bright Circus light!
Only those who knew and heard their own whole self’s Spirit voice broke through the illusion and hypnotic allure of the false light. The result of this was essentially blocking us from going to Source between lifetimes.
This False light technology was a mockery of our real experience of Source. Instead of having the full understandings of our lifetimes desired learnings and missions return to us in a unconditional lovingly supportive environment wherein we are able to be fully accountable to assess our own progress then make decisions about our next lifetime, someone else who is NOT our whole self Spirit is judging us.
The word chakra was a disclosure of our soul’s Spirits energy centers being impacted by the False Light trap. The rule with dark magic spells is that they have to tell us about it, and if we still go ahead with whatever they are disclosing then that is our consent to it. This was a work around to the theme of this universe, free-will of choice.
By our allowing our soul’s to be tricked into the false light we consented to the false controllers deciding who are parents will be, who are friends and family are. And certainly no healing and clearing of our previous lifetimes trauma was allowed for. They knew unreleased trauma blocks our energy centers!
The energetic footprint of traumatic experiences was carried forward in our soul’s energetic bodies to the next physical body we were forced to incarnate into. There was no opting out, no choice to not return made available us unless your whole self Spirit found you and helped you to self-heal enough to know to follow its voice at the time of your next body death to real Source.
The goal the false controllers wanted was for our energy centers to be shut down or at the least very distorted in their energy flow by all the compounded traumatic experiences that were un resolved before our next lifetime.
Also by our being denied our reconnection to Source, and our whole self Spirit between lives we gradually forgot that we are a part of Spirit, a part of creation, let alone what we are here for.
This led to a strong association that we are is only this body and mind. This a was a self limitation of which the false controllers very much wanted us to think. It made our soul’s voice, the part of us who is experiencing an incarnated lifetime much louder than our whole self Spirit’s voice. And without our between lifetime full reconnection to our Spirit, in Source our inner knowing of our Spirits voice, and ability to discern it from others, like our souls’ voice or even ‘voice to skull’ technology, was seriously compromised.
People often assume the soul’s voice, and even the whole self Spirits voice, if it is heard, is ‘god’. This mistake can happen even if you are not religious in that lifetime but most often it is because of the lifetimes experienced of being religious that we were not able to be clarified for what they were in Source.
The false controllers created the religions on our world today. They created them from a mash up of their worlds stories mixed with grains of true history from our world, and grains of wise teachings the real original teachers of humanity left for us. The false controllers selected which portions of truth to leave in the ancient texts based on what would work best for their agenda as well what would hook us, get our interest and thus consent. Unfortunately there is no pure unadulterated texts from them left on Earth. The word spell of religion is seen in the latin meaning of its word root, re-ligare, which means to bind our mind. Religions is a word spell to have us think we are only this mind, this body ‘so we better do what ‘god’ says’. In todays society, ‘god’ for many, has become the corporation, politics and money, which are all run by the same group, under different names. All these religions want the same thing from us, our energy thus they bind us to the false controllers ways of thinking.
This reduction of who and what we are, a Spirit in a body, being limited to only a mind, body, and soul obviously was very successful in terms of getting so many to ascribe, follow and worship at the various altars of the false controllers. In the false life reviews of the light traps we were often guilted, shamed and blamed into thinking we were terrible, we were shown awful events, and told we were a part of them happening, not knowing that even if we actually were, that is was something we were shamed into doing at the beginning of that lifetimes false life review in the light trap! More often than not it was the false controllers who had manufactured such an event then set us up to think we were to blame. The reverse was also done in the false life reviews, we were shown events in which we had great power and control, leaving out of course the negative impact those ways of being had on others and ourselves, so that we would again seek to re-create that in our next lifetime, becoming more and more like them.
Consider how the mind control programs here work, they make the child have a near death experience, then are revived and the programmers then give Love to them, exalt them as special. The child's brain chemistry has been radically altered by these extremes of events which allows the next program that the programmer wants to instilled in them - to go in particularly deep, even though the accompanying thoughts and actions to accomplish that program are entirely against the persons soul’s Spirit mission.
It should be becoming clearer that the co-opting of our energy generating centers by the false light trap technology blocking us from going to Source between lifetime was designed to work with many types of programming done to us while in a lifetime.
The war on our minds, our thoughts.
Thoth is a word spell for thought.
Thinking is what the mind does.
But we are not just this body, this mind. What we think is shaped by what happens to us.
Processing what happens to us is much better suited to our Heart, where our whole self Spirit can help balance our soul’s perspective of the visceral experience.
The false controller know that we cannot stay in our Hearts with any imbalances from unreleased trauma and beliefs that keep us striving to use our intellect to mentally overcome our pain, anger and frustration of the worlds condition they maintain
Those of us who wanted to grow spiritually sought out and read such books as the Emerald Tablets, written by a being named Thoth.
Thoth, Marduk, Amun-Ra, Ra-ta, Imhotep are all different names for the same group of beings, the false controllers. If one has read enough of the ancient books, the Greek myths, the sumerian tablets translations, the Vedic and gnostic texts and the various religious books, like the bible, you will be able to see that these all tell an account of the same beings, in different places, different times, doing the exact same things over and over.
Marduk is the Draco reptilian grandson of Anu. This grandson, like his father and uncle also played ‘god’ to supplant each other and Anu. Each took turns being the one standing the way of us going to Source.
They covered all the bases you see, our soul’s Spirt connection had to be severed first. The trauma of planets being destroyed and our soul’s being ripped from their bodies and planetary home began this. The false Light trap technology compounded the disconnect from our Sprit and Source.The Thoth-thought, mind control derailed us even further from ourselves and each other. Even still our indomitable Spirits sought reconnection with us and us souls with it.
So those of us seeking to grow our spirituality were drawn to read these books, as they do contain a lot of disclosure of truth, but also a lot of mind programming hooks. Like how Thoth admits, in the Emerald tablets that he is the architect of this matrix construct. Interestingly a well known truther, who focuses on disclosure, that claims to be a reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, and Cayce said that he was a reincarnation of Ra-ta, also admitted ‘that he inadvertently written the book on the Illuminati’. This same vein of admission from a person who claims to be the very same incarnation of the false controllers group cannot be a coincidence. We absolutely must begin to be able to form our own truths, and cognitively think for ourselves to see the hooks in amongst the truth of what these people, entities share and write.
The false controllers ways of playing ‘god’ was but one major part of a long plan to bind our minds to give prayer energy, Loosh to them. Anytime we pay attention to something, someone we send out energy to it, them. So it matters not if they are a ‘god’ or guru, teacher to us. Of late its been ex-program members, super soldiers coming out to share what they experienced. All information they share can help or hinder us. If we follow them and give them our full attention, and they speak down to us, expect us to join their circle, instead of encouraging us to develop our own circle of truth. The ’be-lie-ve only what I say’, which they will never say directly but their savior egos will always reveal that intent by getting angry at you, attempt to demean your intellect or quality of Spirit, if you dare form your own questions, thoughts about what they are sharing!
Archons, dark elf shadow beings, then later Ai shadow beings were also assigned to attach to us energetically while we were in the false light trap to ensure our continuing being controlled, manipulated in our next lifetime. These entities often created the need to have a ‘god’ or some archangel to pray to. You see the snare trap here right. Archangels, the fallen ones, were also impersonated by the false controllers. It is my understanding that there is original Creator beings whom we would term as angels, that were part of Prime Creation energies distribution and management system. Guardian angels right, they were beings who each guided and managed an arena of life on a planet. They never did the actions that the impersonators did, and recorded in the bible and other texts. The false controllers did however want their actions ascribed to original Creator beings to dis empower our support and important role in creation. This reminds me about another deviation from the traditional chakra dogma in this energy center clearing practice. There will be no mentioning of planets, astrology or archangels that most descriptions of the energy centers include. This is due to the false controllers rewriting of the myths that distorted the original meaning and intent of the planets, creator beings and astrological myths. Find the document called ‘Chakras, Charlatans and Saturn Moon matrix’ I wrote if you want more information about this.
The bottom line is all these entities, organic or synthetic were part of the multilayered snare for our Loosh energy. The combination of our lack of connection to our whole self Spirit and its perspective with the result of the false life reviews in the light trap compounding our lifetimes trauma loads, and these entity attachments created a strong urge for us to call out for help from outside of us, rather than go within and quiet the mind, the soul’s voice to be able to hear our own Spirit’s guidance.
All these layers of mind control and damage to subvert our soul’s energy to them seems like a lot doesn’t it.
It is, because what we were, and are beginning to be again, is well beyond all this. The Draco could never have achieved the level of control over us that they have without all this! Do you understand what this means? That this much effort had to be applied to get us to forget how incredible and amazing we are! They never could have done to us what they have without all this technology, wars, and con-fusing religares=mind binds of religions, politics, corporations and the help of humans who came to act like them, ruling over us.
I have told you all this to have you come to your own understanding of what we are, to re-mind you of what we are meant to be, in context to what is has become. This is to inspire your inner fire desire to clear yourself of any distortions that are not you! It will not be as hard as you Thoth, hehe
You are not alone. We will feel our way home together. Speaking of home, the false light trap technology is no longer there, trapping our souls at our bodies death. It was exposed along with a number of other atmospheric technologies and was destroyed. Any souls in who were still in it, were freed to return to their Source. We now have an incredible opportunity to reconnect to Source our whole self Spirit, even without our bodies death.
We left off in the first chapter at what our real experiences of Source is about between our lifetimes. This was a refresher, so that the topics now to be discussed are fully understood in terms of the implications the ‘False Light traps’ had on our soul’s energy, and by virtue of our connection to our planet, its overall energy and vibrational frequency.
Before we get into this we need to get a few definitions clarified.
What is meant by a word spell?
Words are sounds, their vibrational energetic quality can be as tangible felt as the tone they are spoken with. There is many modalities like numerology, gemantria to name a few - that speak to the letters having a number that equates to vibrational intent it imparts on the word, which impacts the vibrational intent behind names for things. I will not be using numerology or gemantria to analyze these words, however, I just wanted to point out that there is deeper layers as to why words are spelled a certain way. Or just feel wrong. And are applied to stand for seemingly several different things, but are they really different?
the spelling of words and Magic spells..
By coming to your own understanding of each of these word spell intents as they are discussed, know that your own power of intention can override any malicious intent just by observing the words origin meaning. Or you can just decide to not use that word.
Latin is the word spell basis of many of our english and other global
languages words. Latin was created specifically to spell-bind us to the ones who wanted us to be controlled by the sounds we use to intonate, invoke - communicate with on a daily basis. Latin is the ‘bab-el’ of the Sumerian false ‘gods’, the Draco reptilians. A species that from here on in will be referred to as the false controllers.
So why is energy centers preferred over the word chakra? and how is it connected to the False Light traps?
The following is from the Chakra etymology section of Wikipedia:
“The word Chakra (चक्र) derives from the Sanskrit word meaning "wheel," as well as "circle" and “cycle".
One of the Hindu scriptures Rigveda mentions Chakra with the meaning of "wheel", with ara (spokes).
According to Frits Staal, Chakra has Indo-European roots, is "related to Greek Kuklos (from which comes English cycle),
IN LATIN (it means) CIRCUS, Anglo-Saxon hveohl and English wheel." However, the Vedic period texts use the same word as a simile in other contexts, such as the "wheel of time" or "wheel of dharma", such as in Rigveda hymn verse 1.164.11.” So, chakra means a wheel, with spokes - attachments to the Latin word for Circus.
We all know what the circus is, but do we connect that what a circus is to us now, and the fact that long before circus’s were a thing, it was a also a thousands of years old word for chakras?
Chakras, the latin word for Circus, an event that entertained us, en-trained us - to get our attention energy to consent to having our soul’s energy co-opted for the ringmasters use. Then in the Rigvega, which by the way is some of the most obvious accounts of invading ET species Nuclear war on Earth thousands of years ago, refers to chakra as meaning a ‘wheel of time’ or ‘wheel of dharma’. or Karma.
So now the additional word spell intent comes into focus, as the ‘wheel of time’ ringmaster appears, the time Lords with their ‘wheel of dharma’ or d-HARM-a and their ‘Lords of Karma’ doctrine.
These ‘lords’ are who maintained the wheel of forced reincarnation, of the ‘false light trap’ technology.
This technology projected an illusion, a distracting circus, that had nothing to do with our soul’s Spirit naturally, at the bodies death going to Source as was talked about in the first chapter.
There is no great big light that we go into at our bodies death, as so often described by persons who have had a near death experience. There is however, a inner knowing from our whole self Spirit that just knows where we go. Its a dark enveloping path lit only by our soul’s Spirit knowing that leads to our Source home, which maybe warmly bright like a sun only at the very end of the journey.
Very few were able to escape from it, unless, at the time of our physical death, we knew to follow our whole self Spirit’s call to home in Source, not be distracted and drawn into the bright Circus light!
Only those who knew and heard their own whole self’s Spirit voice broke through the illusion and hypnotic allure of the false light. The result of this was essentially blocking us from going to Source between lifetimes.
This False light technology was a mockery of our real experience of Source. Instead of having the full understandings of our lifetimes desired learnings and missions return to us in a unconditional lovingly supportive environment wherein we are able to be fully accountable to assess our own progress then make decisions about our next lifetime, someone else who is NOT our whole self Spirit is judging us.
The word chakra was a disclosure of our soul’s Spirits energy centers being impacted by the False Light trap. The rule with dark magic spells is that they have to tell us about it, and if we still go ahead with whatever they are disclosing then that is our consent to it. This was a work around to the theme of this universe, free-will of choice.
By our allowing our soul’s to be tricked into the false light we consented to the false controllers deciding who are parents will be, who are friends and family are. And certainly no healing and clearing of our previous lifetimes trauma was allowed for. They knew unreleased trauma blocks our energy centers!
The energetic footprint of traumatic experiences was carried forward in our soul’s energetic bodies to the next physical body we were forced to incarnate into. There was no opting out, no choice to not return made available us unless your whole self Spirit found you and helped you to self-heal enough to know to follow its voice at the time of your next body death to real Source.
The goal the false controllers wanted was for our energy centers to be shut down or at the least very distorted in their energy flow by all the compounded traumatic experiences that were un resolved before our next lifetime.
Also by our being denied our reconnection to Source, and our whole self Spirit between lives we gradually forgot that we are a part of Spirit, a part of creation, let alone what we are here for.
This led to a strong association that we are is only this body and mind. This a was a self limitation of which the false controllers very much wanted us to think. It made our soul’s voice, the part of us who is experiencing an incarnated lifetime much louder than our whole self Spirit’s voice. And without our between lifetime full reconnection to our Spirit, in Source our inner knowing of our Spirits voice, and ability to discern it from others, like our souls’ voice or even ‘voice to skull’ technology, was seriously compromised.
People often assume the soul’s voice, and even the whole self Spirits voice, if it is heard, is ‘god’. This mistake can happen even if you are not religious in that lifetime but most often it is because of the lifetimes experienced of being religious that we were not able to be clarified for what they were in Source.
The false controllers created the religions on our world today. They created them from a mash up of their worlds stories mixed with grains of true history from our world, and grains of wise teachings the real original teachers of humanity left for us. The false controllers selected which portions of truth to leave in the ancient texts based on what would work best for their agenda as well what would hook us, get our interest and thus consent. Unfortunately there is no pure unadulterated texts from them left on Earth. The word spell of religion is seen in the latin meaning of its word root, re-ligare, which means to bind our mind. Religions is a word spell to have us think we are only this mind, this body ‘so we better do what ‘god’ says’. In todays society, ‘god’ for many, has become the corporation, politics and money, which are all run by the same group, under different names. All these religions want the same thing from us, our energy thus they bind us to the false controllers ways of thinking.
This reduction of who and what we are, a Spirit in a body, being limited to only a mind, body, and soul obviously was very successful in terms of getting so many to ascribe, follow and worship at the various altars of the false controllers. In the false life reviews of the light traps we were often guilted, shamed and blamed into thinking we were terrible, we were shown awful events, and told we were a part of them happening, not knowing that even if we actually were, that is was something we were shamed into doing at the beginning of that lifetimes false life review in the light trap! More often than not it was the false controllers who had manufactured such an event then set us up to think we were to blame. The reverse was also done in the false life reviews, we were shown events in which we had great power and control, leaving out of course the negative impact those ways of being had on others and ourselves, so that we would again seek to re-create that in our next lifetime, becoming more and more like them.
Consider how the mind control programs here work, they make the child have a near death experience, then are revived and the programmers then give Love to them, exalt them as special. The child's brain chemistry has been radically altered by these extremes of events which allows the next program that the programmer wants to instilled in them - to go in particularly deep, even though the accompanying thoughts and actions to accomplish that program are entirely against the persons soul’s Spirit mission.
It should be becoming clearer that the co-opting of our energy generating centers by the false light trap technology blocking us from going to Source between lifetime was designed to work with many types of programming done to us while in a lifetime.
The war on our minds, our thoughts.
Thoth is a word spell for thought.
Thinking is what the mind does.
But we are not just this body, this mind. What we think is shaped by what happens to us.
Processing what happens to us is much better suited to our Heart, where our whole self Spirit can help balance our soul’s perspective of the visceral experience.
The false controller know that we cannot stay in our Hearts with any imbalances from unreleased trauma and beliefs that keep us striving to use our intellect to mentally overcome our pain, anger and frustration of the worlds condition they maintain
Those of us who wanted to grow spiritually sought out and read such books as the Emerald Tablets, written by a being named Thoth.
Thoth, Marduk, Amun-Ra, Ra-ta, Imhotep are all different names for the same group of beings, the false controllers. If one has read enough of the ancient books, the Greek myths, the sumerian tablets translations, the Vedic and gnostic texts and the various religious books, like the bible, you will be able to see that these all tell an account of the same beings, in different places, different times, doing the exact same things over and over.
Marduk is the Draco reptilian grandson of Anu. This grandson, like his father and uncle also played ‘god’ to supplant each other and Anu. Each took turns being the one standing the way of us going to Source.
They covered all the bases you see, our soul’s Spirt connection had to be severed first. The trauma of planets being destroyed and our soul’s being ripped from their bodies and planetary home began this. The false Light trap technology compounded the disconnect from our Sprit and Source.The Thoth-thought, mind control derailed us even further from ourselves and each other. Even still our indomitable Spirits sought reconnection with us and us souls with it.
So those of us seeking to grow our spirituality were drawn to read these books, as they do contain a lot of disclosure of truth, but also a lot of mind programming hooks. Like how Thoth admits, in the Emerald tablets that he is the architect of this matrix construct. Interestingly a well known truther, who focuses on disclosure, that claims to be a reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, and Cayce said that he was a reincarnation of Ra-ta, also admitted ‘that he inadvertently written the book on the Illuminati’. This same vein of admission from a person who claims to be the very same incarnation of the false controllers group cannot be a coincidence. We absolutely must begin to be able to form our own truths, and cognitively think for ourselves to see the hooks in amongst the truth of what these people, entities share and write.
The false controllers ways of playing ‘god’ was but one major part of a long plan to bind our minds to give prayer energy, Loosh to them. Anytime we pay attention to something, someone we send out energy to it, them. So it matters not if they are a ‘god’ or guru, teacher to us. Of late its been ex-program members, super soldiers coming out to share what they experienced. All information they share can help or hinder us. If we follow them and give them our full attention, and they speak down to us, expect us to join their circle, instead of encouraging us to develop our own circle of truth. The ’be-lie-ve only what I say’, which they will never say directly but their savior egos will always reveal that intent by getting angry at you, attempt to demean your intellect or quality of Spirit, if you dare form your own questions, thoughts about what they are sharing!
Archons, dark elf shadow beings, then later Ai shadow beings were also assigned to attach to us energetically while we were in the false light trap to ensure our continuing being controlled, manipulated in our next lifetime. These entities often created the need to have a ‘god’ or some archangel to pray to. You see the snare trap here right. Archangels, the fallen ones, were also impersonated by the false controllers. It is my understanding that there is original Creator beings whom we would term as angels, that were part of Prime Creation energies distribution and management system. Guardian angels right, they were beings who each guided and managed an arena of life on a planet. They never did the actions that the impersonators did, and recorded in the bible and other texts. The false controllers did however want their actions ascribed to original Creator beings to dis empower our support and important role in creation. This reminds me about another deviation from the traditional chakra dogma in this energy center clearing practice. There will be no mentioning of planets, astrology or archangels that most descriptions of the energy centers include. This is due to the false controllers rewriting of the myths that distorted the original meaning and intent of the planets, creator beings and astrological myths. Find the document called ‘Chakras, Charlatans and Saturn Moon matrix’ I wrote if you want more information about this.
The bottom line is all these entities, organic or synthetic were part of the multilayered snare for our Loosh energy. The combination of our lack of connection to our whole self Spirit and its perspective with the result of the false life reviews in the light trap compounding our lifetimes trauma loads, and these entity attachments created a strong urge for us to call out for help from outside of us, rather than go within and quiet the mind, the soul’s voice to be able to hear our own Spirit’s guidance.
All these layers of mind control and damage to subvert our soul’s energy to them seems like a lot doesn’t it.
It is, because what we were, and are beginning to be again, is well beyond all this. The Draco could never have achieved the level of control over us that they have without all this! Do you understand what this means? That this much effort had to be applied to get us to forget how incredible and amazing we are! They never could have done to us what they have without all this technology, wars, and con-fusing religares=mind binds of religions, politics, corporations and the help of humans who came to act like them, ruling over us.
I have told you all this to have you come to your own understanding of what we are, to re-mind you of what we are meant to be, in context to what is has become. This is to inspire your inner fire desire to clear yourself of any distortions that are not you! It will not be as hard as you Thoth, hehe
You are not alone. We will feel our way home together. Speaking of home, the false light trap technology is no longer there, trapping our souls at our bodies death. It was exposed along with a number of other atmospheric technologies and was destroyed. Any souls in who were still in it, were freed to return to their Source. We now have an incredible opportunity to reconnect to Source our whole self Spirit, even without our bodies death.