Energy Centers and the Rainbow body formation

Chapter 4 of 5

Energy Centers and the Rainbow body formation explained:

Our bodies energy centers are actually powerful spiritual energy vortexes. Each hold a specific segment our soul’s whole self Spirits vibrational energetic spectrum.

These full spectrum of energies SPIRAL up and AROUND our bodies as they spin. Each one is an integral part of the next successive energy center as each one builds upon the next, and increases in their vibrational frequency range. It is their balanced flow that they are how our whole self Spirits energy is distributed and maintained for our soul here.

The energetic properties each energy center manifest as a form of Light. A type of a sound, tone or note. They each also denote a physical body area that is governed by that energy center.

Each of our energy centers are also linked to a plane of existence, or what some call a ‘dimension’. This is because each of our energy centers has a specific type of energy body that is native to that plane of existence which links our soul here to our whole selfs Spirit parts on these other planes.

The 7 different energy bodies linked to our energy centers make up our soul’s cosmic Spirit ‘vehicle’. This is what some call the ‘rainbow’ body. A good way to imagine the the rainbow body is to picture the painted wooden Russian nesting dolls. Each doll has another doll inside of it. The smallest of dolls being our physical body and the next outward being the each successive energy centers’ energetic body. This aligned layering of them together they form our psi-feild torus shield all around us.

The singularity in the center of our psi-feild torus is our Heart, which is the only place all our energy centers should be connected to INTO our physical body TO all our other types of bodies. This Heart centered connection of the rainbow body is how it protects us more effectively. To remind you, our heart is where our intuition comes from, it is where we connect to our whole self wisdom, and our whole self is connected to Source.

Our Heart the most powerful of all our energy centers. It the only energy center in humanity that the false controllers have NOT successfully blocked with a ll the false controllers have done.
We, as individuals can shut down our own Heart energy center, by staying in our heads, our mind, but they have not succeeded on a collective level to block it entirely, like they have with other of our energy centers. 

If they had blocked our Heart energy centers the false controllers would have won, but they obviously have not, as we are still here loving each other.

In essence our rainbow body is how we can as souls currently in a physical body can consciously re-connect our whole self Spirits in all layers of reality that we already exist in.

The many lifetimes of distortions and trauma occurring to the energy body you were meant to be able to use to maintain this relationship to your whole self Spirit will take practice. Like any relationship, you will need to develop the inner self self trust and belief in your right to this mutual connection for it to be re-forged between your parts. All you need to do is get out of your mind, quieten the soul’s louder voice, to be able to hear your whole self Sprits voice.

The more you practice hearing your Spirits voice, and act on its wisdom, the louder it will become, then the understandings this bigger part of you has to share with you will flow.

With your whole self Spirit’s relationship to this you here, and your trusting decrement of it from your soul’s voice, will again set you on your own re-mastery path of discovery of your true magic abilities. You will learn to create your own energy and the focus needed to be able to manifest the reality you want.

The rainbow body will also greatly empower your conscious remember -ings of events on the astral, as well as help you if you get into a sticky situation. The wisdom from your whole self Spirit will always see through illusion, it knows far more, that, this you here currently remembers now. The Spirit and Source connection in your Heart, and that of your Source grounding cord to Mother Earth will form the ultimate alarm system for any kind of incursion upon you. 

Any sort of an incident that your energetic bodies go through on other planes of existence, like an attack from the aetheric or astral planes, will stay out in that layer of your rainbow body for you to consciously choose the moment when to address it. It will not just move automatically into your physical body. Having your conscious free of choice back of your choosing when is right for you to face and resolve an issue will teach you to be in full control of your own energy creation, thus self healing and management of where your energy goes.

Just ponder on the benefit of this, at our choosing we can reorient our bodies and soul to heal at the moment we have the ability to give it our full focused attention. Powered of course by our inner Heart Source, guided by our whole self Spirit to how we specifically need to heal as our full spectrum of vibrational frequencies, including our DNA came from our whole self. Our healing is also supported by the planetary Mothers Source energy at our grounding cord, the energy center base to our rainbow body toroidal field.

Just a note here for those that do astrally project and feel they are protected, Your rainbow body maybe already there around you, which is fantastic! Know that astral projection can still happen with an energy body or two out of alignment. The chances of having a sneaky ‘hitchhiker’ - entity who followed your return to your physical body without you knowing it is far more likely than you think.

There is a lot for us to learn in our inner ‘verse, listening to the song of our Spirit in each energy body.  Know that the detailed qualities of each energy body associated to each energy centre will be described in detail in every energy center session to assist your tuning into it at that moment.

The conscious reformation, reestablishing of this rainbow body is the end goal of this energy center clearing. It cannot be formed permanently until our energy centers are rebalanced. Our energy bodies cannot align, to form the layers of our rainbow body without their associated energy center being balanced in energetic flow.

Another benefit to our rainbow body is that it will make our shielding practice much stronger. Our daily shielding practice fails us when we still have areas of distortion, and un-released trauma that form our personal matrix. This is the Thoth box of imbalanced thought-forms spoken of in the previous chapter. Our shielding fails when our personal matrix is still intact. This is like an open window to the false controllers machinations in the collective matrix and all the other types of entities, to enter our personal sphere of influence.

This open window, vulnerability to our psi-feild shields is because most of our energy centers are trapped within the one body we ‘think’ we associate with the most, our physical body. Whereas our Heart centered connection to our whole self Spirit in our aligned rainbow body is our firewall to anything that happens in the collective matrix.

As it is now for most, what happens to our energetic bodies, and how we react to it, consciously or subconsciously will all move down to manifest into the physical body. All the emotions they elicit from us in the astral to gain Loosh from us will impact our daily life. They will sometimes be experienced as dreams, or waking visions that we cannot fathom or shake from our minds. Any previous lifetime wounds or diseases that killed us, can also be easily carried forward by the false controllers from the astral to our current body.

This should not be the case. Our rainbow body in alignment is our small army of One that with our whole self Spirit connection to our Hearts and Source energy we would be able to deal with anything that occurs on those other planes we exist on without it all coming to accumulate in our physical body.

An example of energy center work done within the body is the Kundalini yoga practice. It is one of the few ancient practices that the false controllers left for us that speaks to opening of energy centers.
Like spoken of before, all the ancient texts left here to help us that were from our true original teachers were altered by the false controllers. It is but half the teachings and very dangerous because of it effectiveness to open the chakras, without clearing or rebalancing them. The energy centers were not meant to ‘run our kundalini fire’ up our physical/aetheric spines within the body!

The majority of people who describe this experience say that it is uncomfortable! That is because it is actually burning out their energy centers! Any enlightened state they claim to have achieved will not last long.

More often than not these ‘kundalini risen’ persons move into a state of hypersexualization due to other parts of the teachings, and a guru savior complex that seeks to convert others into the risen snake path. Both states are considered a great success by the false controllers, as they have yet another spiritual truth seeker trying to help themselves, being deceived and opening themselves up to being walked-in on.

Which gives them more ways to abuse and take advantage of others energy. The world is full of kundalini risen new agers who behave like spiritual bullies if others did not ‘bow’ to their risen snake! Yet another example of the ways the false controllers co-opt a once honest truth and knowledge seeker.

Fact of it is our energy centers, in balancing their flow are meant to fire up our auric psi-feild shields! Not up our spines leading to activating our reptilian brain at the base of our skull! This r-complex as science calls it, governs our fight and flight response. If we were to believe the Draco influenced Darwin with his ‘survival of the fittest’ doctrine, we developed this over time as protection mechanism.

But given how many of our diseases are created from and made much worse by the harmful destructive brain chemistry it produces, like adrenaline and serum cortisol, and the fact that the Draco make extracts of these very chemical we produce under stress, to ingest as a narcotic, is no coincidence. Its my belief that this part of our brain was either grown bigger by the false controllers actions or put there during one of the many global ‘floods’ cataclysms they did.

Inner work to calm the mind, and stay in your Heart Spirit wisdom flow will by-pass this brain structure. This is all part of the benefits of the rainbow body and our reforged relationship to our whole self Spirit.

All the machinations, layering of mind control technology and manufactured global catastrophes the false controllers did here should be clearer to you by now about how badly they did not want us to have our golden egg shield of protection, formed with all our energetic bodies layered on our toroidal Psi-feild shield - our rainbow body re-established.

In case its not clear, the importance of our energy centers being balanced and aligned in our rainbow body, here is a list of all the things its formation can help you end happening. This is from all the chapters of information I have laid out thus far..

Symbol of the snake bitting its own tail comes to mind, the cycle of abuse of us - then of self and other - as inspired in us by the false controllers.

The false controllers wars cause catastrophic trauma, on and off planet, causing a collective trauma.They then start the false light trap technology (saturn moon matrix) which compounds that original trauma.

They then do a series of global ‘floods’ to cause further trauma and allow them the opportunity to modify our physiology with the insertion of the r-complex, to have the stress chemicals it produces to prolong their lives, and shorten ours.

The unbalanced state of our energy centers makes our energy bodies not aligned as our complete armor ‘army of one’ rainbow body. Which leaves our other energy bodies connected to us able to be messed with on other planes of existence which moves down to our physical body. Resulting in the Loosh feeding- vampirism of us in astral.

These experiences in astral even if not remembered fully or at all will impact our emotions, feelings - which then kick in the Thoth box of our personal matrix, which is custom built for us in the false life reviews we experience in false light trap technology to trigger us to be emotionally destabilized easily.

The destabilization of our emotional energy resulted in our incarnated souls going into a trance like state that does not notice the thoughts we think, nor that it is a reaction from unresolved trauma. We cannot be hypnotized unless we want to be, the false light traps formed our consent to it with its illusions that we came believe were ours, but in actuality are not! That means we can bring ourselves fully out of the trance state they want us in. We actually have much more power over them than we think.

Any trauma, difficulty in our lives, really, causes us to return to baseline negative thoughts that REINFORCE our Thoth box programming every time we repeat these thoughts. The more intelligent we are the more we also come up with rationalizations to excuse running these thought-from programs. This lends us to manifest diseases, chronic injuries, mental health issues, as well as repeating interpersonal problems. The Thoth box of negative thoughts blocks our being able to hold focus on any positive intent long enough to create our own energy which leads us to feel we have to take it from others in the form of energy vampirism. This is the pity party, the big I am ego, the fuck-up, any attention is good.

This is how we continue the cycle of abuse of self and other. So long as we do not observe the quality our thoughts and how they impact our health, our lives, we will do what they do to us, and take energy from others, become the energy vampires ourselves. This is the worst of all.

This cycle of abuse can end if we realize that we actually have the high ground if we choose to see our way above this, by breaking our Thoth box of our personal matrix negative thought-forms that block us from the reality of who and what we are really able to do, naturally, within our rainbow body.

The free-will choice to end the inner war that makes the outer war between you and other humans is yours. Do not doubt its potency.
As a collective one soul’s Spirit alighting into their rainbow body is stronger than a million false controllers and their minions. Their Thoth boxes are a mile thick compared to ours. 

The collective matrix, we need not worry about, as its alls own free of will choice to look at their own ways they have taken on the ways of the controllers. Each of our examples will be there for them to begin their own journey. The multitudes of drops in the ocean of Life are connected. Our example will be noticed by others at the exact moment they are ready to make the wise choice.

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