Shadow aspects & Energy Center clearing instructions

Chapter 5 of 5

Shadow aspects, doing shadow work, and energy center clearing instructions:

The sheep, the ‘sleepers’ are hypnotized by the matrix. They are plugged in by their own free-will of choice to not have a choice.

You cannot be hypnotized unless YOU WANT TO BE.

Hypnotherapists observe your speech, note your though-form patterns, combined with your body language, which tells of the deeper not said feelings under those figure out HOW YOU hypnotize yourself.

There is no reason why people who want to wake cannot do this for themselves. Mediation, self observance, journal-ling are all ways to begin to notice your thought-form programs.

Its a conscious choice we each alone can make.
We would not have been en-tranced to be in this matrix unless some part of us has been made susceptible to the matrix. 

These parts of us that are in a trance state are where our deepest wounds are. They are parts of we want to hide from our conscious as the memory of them is so traumatic, and often of sudden shocking nature that it was inconceivable for us to process them cognitively at the moment of them occurring. So the mind walled them off into what is called the subconscious. This created a split in our personal energies, and fractured our personality. This is how shadow aspects are formed.

If we have been on this planet, or galaxy for any length of time we have experienced cataclysmic levels of collective and personal trauma - so some part of us in a fugue trance state. Rest assured the actual energy clearing sessions will not require that you go head long into detailed re-accounts of your traumatic memories!

A whole sale approach is all that needed, to release these shadow aspect origin traumas. You will see. Some more about shadow aspects need still to be described for the one size fits all shamanic self healing practice to be effective. This is to account for the varying potentials of all the ways some may go into their shadow aspect retrievals, as we each are different. Keep in mind this is not a thing to compare, the ‘depths’ of details you may have come to you is not to be used as a measure of success. Each of the places we are at, make us different in terms of what our whole self can reveal to us. You also must be carful not to push yourself to see something, as that will be leading you to perhaps see a distortion that is part of the shadow aspects programming that the false controllers instilled. 

‘the bird only lands on the open hand’ 

As in hold lightly with focused intent to find your shadow aspects, feel, do not try..

The following details are a template of facts I have found in my years of working on myself to retrieve my own shadow aspect energies as well as helping others to see theirs. These details can be useful understandings in case the situation arises.  

The shadow aspect will not just be the emotional memory of the event. They will contain the emotionally charged thoughts we had at the time of the shadow aspects formation that were attempts to explain to ourselves how and why theses traumas were occurring. Without releasing the shadow aspect from its time-locked memory, these thoughts become the seeds of our present our thought-forms, the way we react to life instead of acting for Life. They become the hungry wolf that wants to eat the rest of us. If you feel these emotions, observe them openly, do not fall into the visceral re-experience of them. Just acknowledge they exist.

The subconscious memories that make up our shadow aspects start in our energy bodies as a feeling and with time, move into our physical body. This is how unreleased past life or current life trauma can manifest as mental of physical illness in the present lifetime, or otherwise imprint itself. i.e.: seemingly un-founded fears. You may see a link to a body part where these memories are in your body. Write down where and how it felt after the energy center clearing is done so you remember. This inner verse information will empower you to know exactly how and where to heal your bodies -when you want to - after your rainbow is formed. 

Our unintegrated shadow aspects is where the archontic infection thrives in the dark, feeding off the wounds in our shadow aspects.
Archons, it has been said, are a natural measure utilized in creation, to kick the Spirit butts of beings who have become ignorant to evolving their Spirit growth.

An archon attachment on my own family members is what kicked my butt to waking up to the war on us in the astral realms. There is no greater wake up call to our Spirit bodies existence than to see an archon on a loved one with your waking eyes. So there is some good to them, as I would never gotten to where I am to be able to write this if I had not had that experience. Part of the dualities and free-will of choice lesson in action. 

What my family members did to free themselves of the archon was to utilize their free-will choice! and ask with much strong intent, for help from their whole self Spirit and it was gone. If you sense an archon attachment on you- this is all you need to do! This will be said in the energy centers clearing audios in just such a way as to make yourself empowered to accomplish banishing this entity.

As the overall archontic infection upon us has been a silent epidemic that has been worsening over time. All the children with night terrors, growing up into adults with sleep paralysis are all strong cases for an archontic infection. This has probably been the case going back to the wars in our galaxy that led to he destruction of Mars atmosphere, total destruction of Tiamat, Selene and Tara(Earth), entire planets became what we call asteroid debris fields. All souls’ Spirits incarnated on them could not have a more sudden traumatic body death. This created a collective wound, a collective shadow aspect trauma that many of us here now carry deep within both their genetic memory as well as soul’s Spirit memory.

The events then, made the archons on them, that we would ordinarily be able to face as part of Soul’s growth, becomes so large, so for boding to the souls that experienced them that they felt they could not face them. The archons swelled with our soul’s Spirit energy.

Then the Atlans landed here, in their crafts, the main craft being called Atlantis. They brought with them weapons that, those of us here then, in Lemuria had not ever seen before. Global war broke out when it was discovered that they were here, as the Atlans had caused great destruction back in their origin system of Atlas, (in the*Plieades) that the opposing warring faction followed them here. These wars had nothing to do with us, but we suffered great trauma by them occurring around us.

Our bodies are connected to the planet we are on at our root energy center. This energy center is where we maintain our bodies life-force energy from the greater Source connection inside the planetary being. The planetary being also imparts to us thru our grounding root energy center a sense of security, which makes us feel able to adapt to life challenges. Planetary destructions, global cataclysms, then wars on the planet would have greatly compromised this supportive energy to feel we could adapt. In this context its a lot more understandable why we accepted the help the Draco reptilians who just happened to be here just after these Atlan wars. 

Use how this mistake you may have made in the past makes you feel to motivate your intention going into the energy center clearing sessions. Understand how potent your reclaiming of free-will choice in this moment can undo anything they did, or we did then and in this now! 

The false controllers have very much used our shadow aspects against us by their continual re-triggering of the his-storical global catastrophes they know we have experienced. This is certainly seen in the religious texts and especially contemporary books and movies over the last decades about this level of global catastrophe. This is telling of how nervous they are at this time to lose their control over us, the fact they have to try so hard to re-trigger this collective trauma.

I have spoken enough about how our traumatic memories create imbalance in our energy centers for you to have a baseline understanding of how important it is to release these parts of you trapped in a traumatic memory. You need to release them, let the memory go - to be able to balance your energy centers thus be able to form your rainbow body. How we accomplish doing this shadow work re-integration is what needs now to be absorbed so you are prepared for what the energy center sessions will be like.

Each energy center clearing will begin with a shielding- this is so that your healing space is protected while you are doing this, it will be a little bit different that the one I have had out there for sometime now, as it will be very important that you feel safe and secure to allow yourself to open to highlighting where your core traumas are to find your shadow aspects.

As I said no in depth re- experiencing of the traumas is needed to release your shadow aspects. In each energy center clearing I will have a small but triggering list of things the false controllers did to specifically damage that particular energy center. 

Just as when you read a article about some ancient history, or hear a song about a situation that you have not had a direct experience of in this lifetime, but you find yourself reacting strongly to it - it is because it is triggering a shadow aspect origin event memory of having experienced it in the past. 

This purposeful triggering done in the safe space of the shielding before each energy center is how the damage done section of the energy centers sessions will allow for you to whole sale release the traumatic memory. You will use that information and how it makes you feel to highlight the shadow aspect that is somewhere out  in your auric- psi-feild. Usually with an energetic tether of some sort to the energy center you are working with.

You will then use the potency of your imagination and will driven by the strong emotions that have been triggered to execute your free-will of choice to ask for help from your whole self at that energy center and the planetary being - to help you re-integrate, clear and balance this part of you.

Either the sight of where this shadow aspect is out in your psi-feild, or even just the feeling of where it is will become clear, even if it does not- reach out with your imagination and intent to grasp it, embrace it. Imagination and will are our magical tools okay! They are real in these planes! What you need to do is gain the understandings that are useful to this you here. This will be your retrieval of your personal energies that have been ‘lost’ to the rest of your full spectrum of energies in this energy center. Embrace and Keep squeezing, your shadow aspect in your imagination until a core essence of your energies returns to you. You will see, or feel this in the exact way you need to know that your energies have been re-integrated.

Then you will simply, gratefully release the entirety of what remains of the traumatic memory. Visualize it going up and out of your auric psi-field shield. It will be transmuted and made neutral energy again in the aether collective.*A lot of energy center clearings suggest to send it down to planet - this is one the changes to my own shield document as I realized that this is a closed system, our bodies connection the planet needs nothing to be between us and the void energy of the aether is much better suited to transmute the bulk of our traumatic memories. So blast your remaining traumatic memory emotional ball up and out!

Only one energy center clearing is advised to be done per day. This is to allow for any further transmutation to surface and be processed. Which may occur that night in dreams or in other seemingly random ‘doing nothing’ (open hand the bird lands on) moments. 

True magical realizations can be had if you are gentle with yourself for the rest of day of an energy center clearing to allow for processing. Take a shower, or bath to use the purification of water with salts or aromatherapy in it, frankincense and clary sage is one of my favorites for clearing the mind and reestablishing our protective full spectrum of energies. Allow yourself the heart space to appreciate the shift of your energies re-sorting, and integrating back into you and the understandings this energies return to you will bring.

Honoring the work you have done on yourself and showing gratitude towards your whole self and the planet is also a good practice. As this is  the re-establishment of your relationship to your whole self Spirit, the planet and Source after all.

Be sure to complete each energy center clearing in the day you began it, as there is a guided ‘heal and seal’ of your energy body associated to the energy center at the end of each that is very important to do before you go to sleep. Also be sure to complete the energy center clearings in the order that they will be arranged in the youtube playlist. *See Chapter 4 about energy centers for why this is important. 

What comes next after all the energy clearing sessions are completed is purely your work. It has always been in our realm of responsibility to be accountable for the ways in which we think, as our thoughts create our reality. The breaking of your Thoth box will occur much more swiftly now that you have released the core trauma that was the anchor for your thought-form programming. There will be a workbook released that contains many tools to utilize to get out the Thoth box cage our thoughts formed. 

Lastly, before you begin the days session, Ask yourself now if you need more energy to accomplish the necessary shadow work clearing of your energy centers? Go with your first instinctual response…

If the answer is yes, then please pause this audio to do the breath work exercise of breathing from the pure Life-force Sun Source into your inner life-force sun source.  Breathe naturally 27 breaths to the navel area, you will feel that your navel, Solar plexus is fully charged- leave that charge there! Only bring your focused attention up to your Heart to charge it with 18 Life-force Source breaths, and again when you take in 9 very gentle this time, life-force Source breaths to the 3rd eye.

Enjoy your energy center clearing sessions and all the discoveries you will have! And always, remember the force of your imagination and intent to heal and rise above is fully supported as your whole self Spirit and Source unconditionally Loves you and has been waiting for you to balance your energy centers for you to reconnect!

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